DS1920 Rack Mount Power Strip

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Armored in the DS1920, the thermometer can measure temperatures in demanding environments. Like every other iButton device, the DS1920 has a unique serial number. The 1-Wire interface reduces data output, address, and power to one line. A unique serial number allows multiple 1920s to share the same bus, with many sensors placed at different sites reporting to a single port on a processor. Multidropped DS1920s make the lowest-power temperature sensing network available inside buildings, equipment, or machinery and in process monitoring and control. With appropriate accessories the DS1920 easily attaches to an object or circuit board.

  • Digital Thermometer Measures Temperatures from -55°C to +100°C in Typically 0.2s
  • Zero Standby Power
  • 0.5°C Resolution, Digital Temperature Reading is Two's Complement of °C Value
  • Access to Internal Counters Allows Increased Resolution Through Interpolation
  • Reduces control, Address, Data, and Power to a Single Data Contact
  • 8-Bit Family Code Specifies DS1920 Communications Requirements to Reader
  • Special Command Set Allows User to Skip ROM Section and Perform Temperature Measurements Simultaneously for All Devices on the Bus

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