ED150A 15”, 2-way, Full-range, CORE Processed, Powered, Loudspeaker System

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The ED150A is a two-way powered point source loudspeaker that provides full frequency response and controlled dispersion from an easily manageable enclosure. It is designed for many kinds of foreground sound reinforcement applications requiring high quality sound, repeatable performance, and convenience of operation in an easily portable format. The 15” low frequency driver is matched to a 1.4” high frequency compression driver, both components using aluminium voice coils for low weight and good transient response and being driven by individual channels of a powerful Class D amplifier module. The ED150A’s non-symmetrical vented enclosure allows it to adapt to multiple portable and fixed applications, such as front-of-house duties on a speaker stand, or pole mounted on an associated subwoofer or, by using the 35° wedge angle, as a powerful stage monitor. A key feature of the ED150A is its asymmetrical high frequency coverage pattern, varying from 100° horizontal in the lower part of the horn for more effective near field coverage, and narrowing to 60° horizontal at the top of the horn for more focused coverage in the far field. The result is more accurate coverage of a typical auditorium than is possible with a fixed horizontal coverage device. The HF horn is also rotatable through 90° by simply removing four screws and re-aligning the horn, so that in a stage monitor mode the asymmetrical pattern optimises coverage for performers both near to, and further away from, the monitor. This rotatable horn feature also makes it possible to maintain the ideal coverage pattern when the cabinet is installed in a horizontal (landscape) format. The 15mm phenolic birch plywood cabinet is provided with a 35mm pole mount, a recessed handle for easy lifting and handing, and M10 and M6 rigging points to allow suspension in fixed installations using optional mounting brackets. To extend the system’s low frequency response the ED150A can be complemented by subwoofers from the Axiom SW series such as the SW18A.

  • Powered Two-Way Point Source
  • 15” Woofer,1.4” HF Compression Driver
  • 96KHz / 40 bit Floating Point CORE Processing with PRONET Remote Control
  • Digitally Controlled Class D Amplifier Module with SMPS
  • Asymmetric HF Coverage Pattern
  • Rotatable HF Horn
  • Non-Symmetrical, Multi-Angled Enclosure
  • M10 and M6 Rigging Points
  • Pole Mount Socket

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