SW212AWH Dual 12in Bandpass Subwoofer, Band-Pass, White

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The SW212A is a very compact Band-Pass/Bass-Reflex subwoofer providing high output and extended low frequency response. It is equipped with a two 12” neodymium transducers with a 3.5” aluminium voice coil, large displacement suspension system, and water repellent cone, able to provide clean and undistorted LF reproduction at very high SPL . The system processing is based on the CORE2 DSP platform designed by the PROEL R&D Laboratories using one of the most advanced SHARC DSP for audio applications. It features 40bit floating point resolution and top-quality 24bit AD/DA converters, for a perfect signal integrity, dynamic range in excess of 110dB, and superior sonic performance. Thanks to its massive processing power, the CORE2 platform is capable of providing the most sophisticated algorithms for speaker processing, together with remote control and networking capability. The PRONET AX control software, working on a solid and reliable CANBUS based network protocol, provides an intuitive interface for the remote control of the whole system, with the possibility of EQing, delaying, managing the protection functions, and monitoring the status of the amplifier. The SW212A is powered by a new generation of CLASS D power amplifier with digitally-controlled SMPS. The innovative technology used for these amplifiers offers performance at the top of the range, such as superior sound definition at any audio frequency, very high dynamics for low level signals, and very low distortion even at maximum power. The amplifier’s superior sound quality can be compared with top-of-the-range AB-class analog systems, while it features higher dynamic range, very compact size, light weight, and efficiency above 90%. The amplifier module employed in the SW212A features also PFC (Power Factor Correction), a technology able to guarantee always the highest level of power regardless of any eventual fluctuations of the power supply, and to reduce power consumption (less than 0.9W in standby) while enhancing reliability and consistency in all operating conditions. It delivers in an ultra-compact package 1400W from each of its two channels: one channel is used to drive the two 12” woofers, the other, through an output SPEAKON connector, can power AX16/8CL line array modules or other AXIOM speakers.

  • Band-Pass/Bass-Reflex Active Subwoofer 
  • Two 12 in Neodymium Woofers with 3.5 in  Voice Coil
  • Water Repellent Cone
  • Very Compact Enclosure
  • Very Good Output-to-Weight Ratio
  • 2800 Watt Class D Amplifier with PFC Switch Mode Power Supply 
  • 40 Bit Floating Point CORE Processing
  • Optimized Presets for use in Combination with AX16/8CL Line Array Modules
  • Fully Networkable with PRONET AX Remote Control Software
  • 18mm Birch Plywood Enclosure

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